Church school pupils to join Archbishop on pilgrimage to Taize

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu is to lead 166 students and staff from Yorkshire to Taizé next weekend, including pupils from Church of England schools in Leeds and Barnsley.


Founded in 1940 by Roger Louis Schutz-Marsauche (known as 'Brother Roger'), the Taizé Community is based in the Burgundy region of France. An ecumenical monastic order of mainly Catholic and Protestant communities drawn together from thirty countries across the world, it is well known for its music, used world-wide, and visits and pilgrimages by young people from across the globe.


The Yorkshire Schools Pilgrimage coordinated by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust, includes Year 10, 11 and Post 16 students from seven schools in the region including Abbey Grange CE Academy, Leeds and Holy Trinity, Carlton,  Barnsley.

The group departs on Saturday 14 July, returning the following weekend. Throughout the week there will be regular updates from Young Leaders at

Group leaders on this year’s Yorkshire Schools Pilgrimage include school chaplains, RE teachers and support staff. Together they are leading the third and largest pilgrimage to date, with young people aged 14 to 17. 

Archbishop Sentamu said, “Taizé has a profound effect on people of all ages; last year not only the pupils but also their accompanying teachers experienced its prayerful atmosphere where trust, joy, simplicity and compassion flourish in a unique way.

“These Yorkshire pilgrims have worked hard on their Young Leaders Award challenges, looking beyond themselves to support their fellow pupils, local communities and charities further afield, even as far as Cape Town.  They have blossomed as great role models for their generation and so I am delighted that now, on this Pilgrimage of Trust to Taizé, they will have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith and experience something of God’s love through being part of the Taizé community.

Every year in Schools Weeks, more than 100,000 young people from around the world make their pilgrimages of trust and reconciliation, prayer, bible study and communal work.

Dan Finn, the Director of the Youth Trust, said; “This is the third group of Young Leaders that have chosen to extend their experience of the Awards with a Pilgrimage to Taizé.  There is something for everyone at Taizé: a chance to make new friends, to join in and volunteer with others, to pray and to study in small groups. It is a place of incredible welcome. This year’s Yorkshire Schools Pilgrimage is extra special because we will be joined by other schools from around the country, of which some are also working on the Young Leaders Award programme.”


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