Church services and daily worship hit by the Beast from the East

Daily public worship and prayer in cathedrals and churches across the diocese and region has been one of the less reported casualties of  the so-called 'Beast from the East'.

Sub-zero temperatures, heavy snow, icy footpaths and blizzards which have hit the region over the past few days have meant that the daily pattern of public prayers, and sung  worship, which usually go on unreported, have been hit with cancellations or  with ‘said’ rather than ‘sung’ versions of the daily services of Evensong and Morning Prayer. 

On Thursday, Wakefield Cathedral announced via social media that it would be closed…

“The cathedral is closed Today there will be an update at 09.30 on Friday; Choir - please check with the Director of Music tomorrow; Please check here or on our Social Media for updates

Midday prayers on Friday 2 March were cancelled by the Mothers’ Union, while a Prayer service for the International Women's World Day of Prayer on March 2 has also been hit. On Saturday March 3 a major service at Wakefield Cathedral was due to be held by The Company of Servers, but their Spring Eucharist has had to be cancelled.

Ripon Cathedral  (pictured left) has remained open but the decision was  taken on Thursday to stand down the choir from Evensong and have said Evening Prayer instead. A message on social media warned, “The risk to those travelling early evening was thought to be too high with the current Amber Weather Warning in place.”

Another casualty of the weather.... a day of prayerful reflection at St John’s Bondgate this Saturday has been cancelled due to bad weather. For information about future dates contact

Bradford Cathedral too had a reduced service due to the inclement weather : “Latest news about Evensong this evening at Bradford Cathedral, (Thursday 1st March), Due to the anticipated weather conditions the choir will not be in to sing Evensong - Evening Prayer will be at 5.45pm.”

Halifax MinsterAt Leeds Minster, Choral Evensong was a casualty of the weather. Facebook read, “Unfortunately due to the weather conditions tonight's Choral Evensong (THUR 1 MARCH) has been cancelled. There will be no Organ Recital on Friday either. Sorry to disappoint but I hope you can understand.”

On Thursday, Dewsbury Minster (pictured top), reported “The Minster is closed today due to the weather - but if anyone's in town and could take some photos of the Minster in the snow, that would be lovely!

Halifax Minster (pictured right) was closed on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 with organ recitals and normal daily worship cancelled.

Many other events and services have been cancelled or postponed.. The “Deeper worship” evening on  Sunday March 4  at St Peters, Birstall has been cancelled with the message “ More snow is forecast, and with temperatures staying very low there is serious risk from ice.”

Despite the weather, other events such as the national New Wine Leadership Conference in Harrogate continued. And one silver lining around the cloud was a tweet from Wakefield Cathedral reminding people that the weather could provide a good opportunity to enter the Cathedral’s Christmas Card competition!

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