Churches across diocese benefit from Cultural Recovery Fund

Churches across the diocese have been awarded some £1 million from the government’s Cultural Recovery Fund to help preserve our heritage buildings during the pandemic.
The Culture Recovery Fund totals £1.57bn, with around £200m dedicated to heritage. 
Churches and cathedrals were eligible applicants for four strands of the fund, in addition to the National Lottery Heritage Fund re-directing up to £50m of its funds towards emergency support for existing and previous grant recipients who were at risk because of COVID-19.
Recipients in our diocese include St John the Evangelist Birkby, Bradford Cathedral, St Matthew Chapel Allerton, Dewsbury Minster, Halifax Minster, St Thomas a Becket and St Thomas the Apostle Heptonstall, Leeds Minster, Ripon Cathedral and St James Thornton.
Lisa McIntyre, Diocesan Advisory Secretary said: “This is fantastic news – generous grants are always a reason for celebration but especially so in these tough times. 
“Congratulations are well deserved for those who met the challenge of the tight deadline for applications and I’m pleased that the DAC has been able to help parishes in quickly securing permissions for works. 
“It’s heartening to know that the Government recognises churches and cathedrals as assets for communities and sees the value in supporting them financially.”

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