Churches across diocese prepare for digital Easter Sunday

In this exceptional Easter time, clergy and lay together across the diocese are preparing for services on Easter Sunday.
Streamed services will be available from parishes in all the episcopal areas of the diocese, many of which can be found on our website here.
All of our three cathedrals will be offering streamed content throughout the day.
Bradford Cathedral will be showing a Lighting of the Easter Fire and Proclamation of the Resurrection early in the morning, before a streamed Holy Communion with Bishop Nick preaching, and later Evening Prayer.
Their full programme can be found here.
Wakefield Cathedral will also be offering a streamed Morning Eucharist, on both their Facebook and YouTube pages.
Ripon Cathedral’s YouTube page will have their streamed Sunday service, and can be found here.
Other Easter resources from the diocese, including messages from Bishop Nick, can be found here.

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