Cleckheaton church sponsors an African child’s education

Whitechapel Church, Cleckheaton is to sponsor another child’s education at the Kenya Assembly of God (KAG) School in Msambweni, Kenya.

Nishan Ramadhan is 8 years old and has been suggested for sponsorship by the Emley African Education Project, a small charity run by Jim and Rosemary Donnan.

Last year Nishan’s father died of malaria so now she lives with a grandmother who is also recovering from a stroke. Her mother is often absent as she tries to get casual work in Mombasa.

For a decade Whitechapel Church sponsored a boy called Mbwana Kassim who has finished his secondary education and is now attending Egerton University.

School fees per annum have been £125 for primary school and £200 for secondary.

Vicar of Whitechapel, Revd Brunel James said “We really value our links with this African education project. We are delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor another child through their school years and we will pray for her regularly”


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