Coast to Coast walkers beat cash target to help Tanzania

Walkers raising cash in aid of Water for Life projects in Tanzania have beaten their target by £1,000.

Led by vicar Maggie McLean of Christ the King, Battyeford and her trusty spaniel Molly, ramblers Cath Fox, Harvey Walsh, Meg Willard and Chris Smith successfully strode from St Bees near Whitehaven to Robin Hood's Bay.

They set off on Sunday, September 8 and walked 192 miles in 14 days through the Lake District and Dales with the goal of raising £8,000 to buy a new bore hole in one of our three link dioceses in Tanzania.

And they have already raised more than £9,000, as shown in the picture of them trumphantly beside the North Sea.

"The Diocese of Leeds is linked with the Dioceses of Royra, Tarine, and Mara and three quarters of people in Tanzania survive by subsistence farming and clean water is in extremely short supply,"  said Maggie, pictured second from left.

"You have to be really careful about where bore holes are sunk, or they can simply dry out within a year or two - that's why we always get expert help with our projects.

"We've had this link for 30 years and we keep going back to check that money raised here is being well spent," said Maggie, who is now the diocesan link officer for Tanzania.

"We walked through the tale ends of two hurricanes and a lot of our walk was wind assisted!

"We'd really like to thank everyone for their generous support and we're still collecting donations," Maggie said.

Cath Fox, who attends St John the Baptist, Wakefield said: "The walk was a great experience and we were definitely helped by a supply of chocolate-covered Kendal Mint Cake!”

“There were plenty of blisters, but the fact we were raising money kept us going and not to take a day off.

“It was a great meeting lots of lovely people from across the world along the way.

“A nice touch were all the honesty boxes in villages along the route holding everything from drinks and flapjacks to plasters and paracetamol," said Cath, the diocese’s resourcing parishes administrator, pictured second from right.

If you would like to support this great cause you can donate by going to Walking for Water for Life for CtK Battyeford on the website MyDonate

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