Come and join the Chrism Eucharist and defy the wider world's narrative says Bishop Nick


Wakefield Cathedral is getting ready to host clergy across the diocese for this year’s Chrism Eucharist with our diocesan bishop, Bishop Nick.


Bishop Nick’s ad clerum invited the clergy to join together this Chrism and “defy the wider world’s narrative of fragmentation”.


Said Bishop Nick: “This is the service where we defy the wider world’s narrative of fragmentation (a charge often levelled at the Church) and join together to renew our ordination vows, committing afresh to the vocation that is given by God.”


Wakefield Cathedral’s Canon Precentor, Revd Canon Leah Vasey Saunders said: “We are really looking forward to hosting people from across the diocese for this years Chrism Eucharist.


“Attending Chrism, for me, has been about recalling and renewing my commitment to God and his church, and doing so in the context of the wider church has been an affirming experience.

“I and my colleagues pray that Chrism will be a reminder of God’s call, company and encouragement within our diocese.


Service starts at 11am. Please be seated by 10.50am. Bring your own bottles for oil.


Guest preacher for Holy Week at Wakefield Cathedral will be the former Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd John Pritchard whose theme "The Shadow Of The Cross".

He will be at the Cathedral from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. You can hear Bishop John at services throughout Holy Week – check on the website to find which services:






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