Community artwork on church wall to be unveiled at weekend

A major community-wide art project has transformed a bare church wall into a proud monument to life in Starbeck, Harrogate.

Once a target for graffiti artists, a dingy external wall of St Andrew’s Church has been given a fresh-looking makeover with a mural that celebrates the area.

Sharon Gladish, who runs a Sunday club for the church, came up with the idea and hopes the project, to be unveiled at 2pm on Saturday, September 15, will bring people together even more: “It is going to reflect the community aspects of the area, and represent something that is meaningful to the community of Starbeck," she said.

St Andrew's vicar, Revd Phil Carman said everyone would be welcomed at Saturday's grand reveal:

"This came about because there was graffiti on the wall and it was a bit of a mess.

"So the PCC thought about doing something creative.

"And now we will have a colourful, vibrant wall in what was a dark spot which will celebrate the community and also  reflect what's going on inside the church."

Artists from Leeds-based Modes of Expression helped harness the local talent to produce the mural, after much consultation and with the active involvement of youth groups and Starbeck in Bloom.

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