Confirmation for Iranians who sought refuge in Wakefield

Iranian refugees who had sought asylum in Wakefield and baptised in Wakefield Cathedral have been confirmed in Gateshead.


It was another step on their Christian journey that first started when they found their way to Wakefield Cathedral - and the sub Dean of Wakefield, Canon Tony Macpherson was there to witness it.


Canon Tony has been running twice-weekly Bible classes for Iranian and Syrian refugees for over two years in Wakefield Cathedral and in that time he has baptised well over 200 adults. Many of them are here for just three to six weeks while their application for asylum is processed before they are dispersed throughout the country – many of them finding a home in the North East.


Said Tony: “I’d seen pictures of some of our baptised Iranians being confirmed in other areas of the country and so it was a real delight to be able to share with this group and be part of this important step on their journey.


“Most have now been granted leave to remain in this country and can now begin to play a full part in the life of their church and community; and I am proud to have been part of this,’ he said.


Eleven Iranians were confirmed by the Bishop of Jarrow, the suffragan bishop of Durham, the Rt Revd Mark Bryant, at St Chad’s, Bensham in Gateshead this week. 


Eight of the confirmed had been baptised in Wakefield Cathedral as part of Canon Tony’s ministry to asylum seekers and refugees in the city. 

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