Congregational collage brings message of hope

A message of hope has been shared by folk from St John’s Yeadon, in the form of a congregational collage. 
The church wanted to do something together to keep alive the sense of being a family and to encourage one another, and that could be used as a way of proclaiming God’s love to the local community.
To create the collage people painted and then sent photos of themselves holding the words of the well-known Bible verse from Romans 8:39, “I am sure that nothing in all creation will ever separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord”, with people of all ages and artistic abilities taking part.
Revd Richard Walker, vicar of the church, said: “We are really pleased with how this project has gone. 
“We have had some fantastic works of art from our church members and everyone has been keen to share the results online with family, friends and local community groups. 
“It demonstrates how even in this time of social isolation, churches can use the power of social media to enjoy great fellowship and to express the good news of Christ.”
The collage can be seen in video form here.

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