Could your church host a Bradford Cathedral Choir Evensong?

Calling all churches in the Diocese of Leeds. The Bradford Cathedral Choir are looking for places to visit to perform at evensongs, a form of church service that takes places in anglican churches throughout the country.  

Six times a year, the Bradford Cathedral Choir undertakes a ‘Safari Evensong’ in one of the Diocese of Leeds 605 parish churches. They have so far visited St John Carlinghow (Huddersfield EA), St Edmund Roundhay (Leeds EA), St Mary the Virgin Cundall (Ripon EA), St Michael Kirklington (Ripon EA), St Mary Magdalene Outwood (Wakefield EA), Holy Trinity & St Jude Halifax (Huddersfield EA), St James Tong (Bradford EA), St Chad Toller Lane (Bradford EA) and St Clement Barkerend Road (Bradford EA).

They are always delighted to hear from parishes who would like the cathedral choir to sing a service at their church. They are willing to fit in with the worshipping traditions of each parish church, whether that be by doing a traditional choral evensong, vespers and benediction, a service of Holy Communion, or something more contemporary.

The choristers love sharing their music with congregations of other churches, many of which do not have a choral tradition of their own. The choristers also enjoy collaborating with other children, having recently sung an evensong together with the children’s choir of Holy Trinity & St Jude Halifax.

Sharing their choral music with churches across the diocese is a really valuable part of the cathedral’s mission. If you are interested in hosting a service at your church, please get in touch with Alex Berry ( The choir does not charge a fee, but is very pleased if churches can offer a buffet lunch/tea and a contribution towards travel expenses.

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