Cutting the risk of Church metal theft

In recent years due to a decline in scrap metal prices the amount of metal thefts taking place from churches has reduced.

But the distressing and costly issue has far from gone away and some significant cases have been reported recently across  the Diocese of Leeds. 

A new video from Ecclesiastical Insurance is part of a campaign which urges churches to review what they have in place already and see if there are any further precautions they can take to reduce the chances of this problem affecting them. 

As well as ensuring their external metal is marked with SmartWater, that it is registered, and notices are displayed (the minimum conditions that must be met for insurance cover to be in place),  Ecclesiastical suggest churches let neighbours know if there is or isn’t legitimate work being carried out on the church and ask them to be alert for and report any suspicious activity.  

A checklist and detailed guidance around metal theft can be found on their website here, including the video below.


Ecclesiastical Insurance highlight that when used externally, SmartWater is guaranteed for 5 years.  After this time it should be checked using a UV torch.  If it is still visible then it should be checked again annually.  If it is no longer visible it will need to be reapplied for cover to remain in force.

If churches have any particular concerns then they can speak to one of Ecclesistical's risk surveyors via the risk management helpline 0345 600 7531 or email


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