Daring Teddy Bears with prayers at Barnoldswick

Daring Teddy Bears and soft toys with nerves of steel have zipped down wires from the top St Mary-le-Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick.

The third annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the church grounds attracted good crowd and as well as the usual afternoon tea at the Coach House, the Teddy Bear Hunt and the tombola…young and old queued up to see their teddy bears zip-wiring from the church tower.

“It wasn’t just Teddy Bears that braved the zip-wire, there were toy dogs, cats, rabbits, a caterpillar, a camel, a dinosaur and Toy Story characters!” Said Assistant Curate, Revd Julie Clarkson.

Everyone was given a choice of a prayer sticker before their teddies were hauled up to the top of the tower in a bucket. Upon completion, a Bravery Certificate was awarded.

The oldest Teddy Bear was Pinky (51), who was brought along by Sasha, and complete with his prayer sticker, he can be seen here going up in the bucket with Buzz Lightyear.

The 12th century (Grade 1 listed) church was alive with visitors, many of whom were visiting for the first time.

Tours around the church and Bell Tower gave people a chance to appreciate the historic setting and to see the church bells in action.

“The day gave people the opportunity of catching up with old friends, making new ones and just enjoying the relaxed, family atmosphere,” Revd Julie said.

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