Deepening knowledge. Harrogate School of Theology and Mission announces programme

Rowan WilliamsThe Harrogate School of Theology and Mission which was launched by local clergy in 2013 to provide theological and biblical training open to all has announced a new programme for the 2017/18 academic year.  Since it began, speakers travelling to Harrogate have included former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams (pictured left)  and Paula Gooder. (pictured right) 

This year, speakers will include the former Bishop of Oxford, Rt Revd John Pritchard, and several other noted academics including TV archaeologist and author, Gillian Hovell, who formerly worked on BBC’s Domesday Project and written ‘The Muddy Archeologist’.

The aim of the ‘school’  is “to develop a learning community which not only deepens faith and understanding, but also equips people to bring fresh insights into every sphere of life and discipleship.”

This year kicks off on Saturday 16th September with a stimulating session led by Casey Strine who received his doctorate from the University of Oxford and now lectures at Sheffield University in Ancient Near Eastern History and Literature, specialising in Israel and Judah, the two societies that produced our Old Testament. Dr Strine’s topic is Migration and Exile: Then and Now linking the key experience of God’s people taken into captivity in Babylon with the mass people movements of today.

The 2017/8 season includes eight Saturday morning sessions featuring well qualified speakers either live or recorded on DVD. Included in the cost is continental breakfast served from 9.30 am, with the formal session beginning at 10.00 am. See for full details

Live lectures are £8 per morning, or a season ticket for £25 for the series of four; students £5 per session or £15 for the season. Bibletrack seminars cost £5 per morning, students £3. These subscriptions are payable on the day in cash or by cheque made out to ‘St Peter’s Church’.

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16th September 2017

9.30 am – 12.00 noon                     St Mark’s Harrogate

Dr Casey Strine                       Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Sheffield.

Migration and Exile: Then and Now  (live lecture)

14th October 2017

9.30 am – 12.00 noon       Mowbray Community Church

Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin

Bishop of Kensington

Bibletrack seminar:

     The Wisdom Literature part 1

 (DVD and facilitated discussion)

18th November 2017

            9.30 am – 12.00 noon                      St Mark’s Harrogate

Revd David Runcorn          Writer, theological teacher, & retreat leader

The Road Less Travelled: spiritual paths in a missionary church          (live lecture)

2nd December 2017

9.30 am – 12.00 noon           Mowbray Community Church

Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin

Bishop of Kensington

Bibletrack seminar:

The Wisdom Literature part 2

      (DVD and facilitated discussion)

27th January 2018

9.30 am – 12.00 noon                    St Mark’s Harrogate

Rt Revd John Pritchard

Academic, writer & former Bishop of Oxford

Five Events that Changed the World: incarnation, cross, resurrection, ascension, Pentecost (live lecture)

17th February 2018

9.30 am – 12.00 noon             Mowbray Community Church

Dr Jeremy Duff

Principal St Padarn’s Training College, Church of Wales

Bibletrack seminar :     

  The Gospels Part 1                          (DVD and facilitated discussion)

17th March 2018

9.30 am – 12.00 noon                      St Mark’s Harrogate

Gillian Hovell

Archaeologist, author & historian

     The Living World of the

New Testament

 (live lecture)

14th April 2018

9.30 am – 12.00 noon

  Mowbray  Community Church

Dr Jeremy Duff

Principal St Padarn’s Training College, Church of Wales

Bibletrack seminar:

  The Gospels Part 2                          (DVD and facilitated discussion)

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