Delight in the diocese as new MU Worldwide president named

The Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Leeds has welcomed the historic election of the first MU Worldwide President from outside Britain.


A record number of Mothers’ Union leaders from across the globe voted for Mrs Sheran Harper, who hails from Guyana, to represent and lead the 142 year old movement’s four million members in 84 countries.


Diocesan President, Jean Thurman, said, “We welcome the news that Sheran will take on this important role in 2019.


“I have heard Sheran speak about the MU Parenting Programme which she led in over 20 countries. She is known across the world for her faith, her expertise and her leadership skills.


“It will be great if Sheran can visit us in the York Province in the future.”


Another local member of the Mothers’ Union, Cynthia Osborne, a past President of Wakefield Diocese MU, said, “What amazing news! Sheran will truly be a Worldwide President”.


Mrs Harper grew up in Guyana where she studied at the University of the West Indies School of Physical Therapy. She undertook her Clinical Practice at Guy’s Hospital in London and then worked with the Ministry of Health in Guyana where she opened and managed new physiotherapy departments in hospitals throughout the country and lectured on the Rehabilitation Therapists Programme.


Seventeen years ago she decided to focus on her calling of serving Mothers’ Union. She has served as a volunteer at all levels from Parish, Diocese and Province and is currently a Worldwide Trustee. Until recently, she was the Worldwide Parenting Trainer where she rolled out Mothers’ Union Parenting programmes in 23 countries across the globe.


“I am delighted to accept the role of Worldwide President for the new triennium. I feel very excited and privileged and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our members who voted to make this dream a reality,” says Mrs Harper, who will take up her new position in January 2019.


She takes over from the current Worldwide President, Mrs Lynne Tembey, who has overseen constitutional. She said, “I thank God for his abundant blessings and his unfailing loving guidance. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide members and leaders everywhere and especially Sheran and the new Worldwide Board as they take up leadership of the Worldwide Mothers' Union for the coming three years.”

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