Diocesan Deaf ministry team bring Holy Week to all

Holy Week was open to all this year despite the current restrictions, thanks to video services produced by the Diocesan Deaf Ministry Team.
Services were available on YouTube for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, full of hymns, prayers, reflections and activities, all in English and British Sign Language. 
They were produced as part of the Diocese’s provision for ministry to the Deaf community, with Revd Mark Smith’s team creating new video services alongside virtual coffee and chat catch-ups that give folk the opportunity to gather together and share in fellowship even while that is not possible in person.  
Revd Mark said: “It’s been a lot of hard work, and I have been burning the midnight oil, but we feel God has called us to this and it is worth it. 
“The services function as both our regular parish Sunday worship and Sunday worship for the Deaf community across the diocese.
“They have also been widely shared in the Deaf community via social media and are being watched by Deaf people nationwide.”
You can see the services here, and if you would like to join in with the coffee and chat catch-ups please contact Revd Mark at diagonallyparked@gmail.com.

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