Diocesan interfaith reflections now go to wider world

How people of different faiths have responded to the current crisis has been able to be shared with the wider world, thanks to a blog from the Diocese of Leeds.

‘Keeping Faith’ was set up by Diocesan Interfaith Advisor Revd Jenny Ramsden to share how people’s faith is keeping them going during these difficult times.

Some of the entries are personal reflections, while others are examples of how people from different faith traditions have helped out in practical ways.

The blog has since been published by the Telegraph and Argus as a weekly column.

Revd Jenny said: “People from different faiths have had shared experiences during the current pandemic - our places of worship have been closed, we have had to mark and celebrate festivals in lockdown, we have faced the loss of loved ones and been unable to mark their deaths in the way that we would have wanted.

“Faith is such an integral part of so many people's lives, and so it felt important to recognise this, to record these shared experiences, to give people the space to share their thoughts and feelings on them, and to ask them how their faith has kept them going throughout these strange and difficult times.

“The feedback has been incredibly positive, with contributors commenting how much they have valued being given a public space to share how important their faith has been to them during this time; and readers of the blog saying how much they have enjoyed reading reflections from people of different faiths, and sharing comments such as "Thank you for all that you are doing to keep stories of faith and inspiration alive at this testing time".”

Emma Clayton, Leisure and Lifestyle Editor for the Telegraph and Argus, said: “This pandemic, and its immediate impact on our daily lives, came as a shock to us all.

“As the Rt Revd Nick Baines said: “We made plans, booked holidays, filled our diaries...and then it all just stopped. In one sense, the world ended. And it might be a very long time before our way of life resembles something recognisable from the past.”

“These faith reflections - thoughtful, often poignant, always inspiring - offer different perspectives and experiences of the current crisis, and what unites them is a sense of hope and togetherness.

“For many people, this challenging time will be a great test of faith.

“For others, it will reinforce their faith – both in their religion and in the good of others.

“During this often bewildering time of social distancing, isolation and lockdown, it is heartening to read these accounts of community work and small but significant act of kindness from faith communities in Bradford."

You can find the blog here.

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