Diocese of Leeds earns national Bronze Eco Award

The Diocese of Leeds is proud to announce it has achieved its Bronze Eco Diocese Award.
The diocese is the eighth diocese in the country to achieve the award, thanks to our wide range of mission aimed at caring for God’s creation.
Diocesan Bishop the Rt Revd Nick Baines said: “Many thanks for the commitment and hard work which is recognised by this award.
“Caring for our God-given world is a core part of our shared Christian mission in the Diocese of Leeds and beyond.”
As part of the process twenty three of our churches have achieved the Bronze Eco Church Award or above.
This has been enabled by environmental training for clergy and lay together, including work on churchyards, renewable heating and lighting for churches and training new Parish Environment Officers.
Ecumenical and interfaith environmental work has also been taking place, such as involvement in the Leeds Climate Commission’s Carbon Conversations programme, as well as helping develop and pilot the now national Green Journey Scheme, which provides a package of renewable energy supply, energy audits and account management for churches.
Jonathan Wood, Diocesan Secretary, said: “This award shows the importance we place on caring for our environment right across our diocese. 
“It celebrates the energy and purpose of those in parishes and in Church House, Leeds, who have led the way over the past three years and I am enormously proud of everyone involved.”
Jemima Parker, Diocesan Environment Officer, said: “I’m delighted that we have achieved this accolade- it is a tribute to the hard work put in by parishes across the diocese and the Diocesan Environment Group.
“It’s not always easy to take the environmental steps needed, but they serve as a testament to our Creator Redeemer God.
“There are many challenges for God’s creation at the moment, and it is important we continue to move forward actively caring for the world around us.”  
If your church is interested in acheiving its Eco Church award, and would like guidance and support, please email Jemima at jemima.parker@leeds.anglican.org. 

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