The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, will speak on: Nourishing the spirit: relations, stories, rhythms as one of the keynote speakers at a Spirituality, Compassion and Mental Health conference in Huddersfield on July 11.
There are a couple of tickets left for this conference which is held at the University of Huddersfield in conjunction with the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SWYPT). It is open to all health and social care professionals, community and voluntary sector workers, service users and carers.
The conference runs from 9.30am – 4.30pm; a fee of £25 is payable and to check for availability, please contact: Anna Armitage Tel. 01484 47254 or email her on
In the accompanying blurb, the organisers say: Spirituality is innately human and is concerned with what gives people hope, meaning and purpose. It is distinct from religion, although the two concepts may overlap for some people.
Spiritually competent practice is a powerful way of supporting people to find hope, meaning and purpose in their lives. This is especially important when facing illness, mental health problems and crisis. For many people spirituality may link to their relationships, connection with others, work, hobbies, nature or faith. Spirituality is a universal part of being human. Compassionate motivation is central to providing spiritually competent care.
The conference aims to provide you with an understanding of the concepts and practice of spirituality and compassion, as well as its importance in Mental Health.
Keynote speakers also include: Fiona Venner, Chief Executive of Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service. Fiona has worked in mental health since the early 1990s, always in the voluntary sector and predominantly in acute settings. Fiona will speak on compassion and love in crisis care.
Wilf McSherry, Professor of Dignity in Care at Staffordshire University and a published author. He is a founding and executive member of the British Association for The Study of Spirituality (BASS). In 2012 he was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing for his unique contribution to nursing in the areas of spirituality and dignity. Professor McSherry will speak about spirituality and spiritually competent practice in health and?social care.
Kevin Bond, former Chief Executive of NAVIGO, an innovative NHS Mental Health provider organisation and whose background is nursing, has worked in many different areas of Health and Social Care. NAVIGO, a social enterprise which Kevin headed from its foundation, provides NHS mental health and associated social care services in North East Lincolnshire. Kevin will speak on revolutionising mental health provision through compassion.
The day will include:
? An exploration of what spirituality means in the modern world
An understanding of what spirituality and compassion means in a health and social care context.
? Examples of compassionate and spirituality competent care in mental health.
? Practical models for integrating spirituality and compassion into care.
? Community and collaborative ways of working.?? Exploration of how management can promote spiritually competent practice.