Easter Eggs donated by one church, received by another

Chocolate eggs, to be shared with children who come along to church over Easter, have been gratefully received by two excited twins at St Mary’s Hawksworth Wood in the North West of Leeds. 

Easter eggs from the Real Easter Egg (Meaningful Chocolate) company were originally donated by St Mark’s Church in Harrogate and given to the Children, Young people & Families Team at the Diocese of Leeds. Donations included a Sharing Box of 30 eggs and small booklets telling the Easter story. They were then passed on to St Mary’s Hawksworth as a gift to be shared amongst the people in their community.

St Mark’s Church, Harrogate, through their Mission support, have donated Easter eggs for the past few years to encourage ministry with Children and families amongst churches in the diocese.

“You would not believe something as small as an Easter egg could bring such encouragement to a church like St Mary’s, with a great children and family’s ministry,” said Anne Carter. 

“We hope those receiving the eggs will receive more than chocolate, but also a message of hope and new life that Easter brings.”  

A second box of chocolate eggs and Easter stories will be delivered soon to St Cuthbert’s Parish Church in Colburn.

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