Easter gifts given to Leeds parish by local RAF Cadets

RAF Cadets from the 168 City of Leeds Squadron ensured children from the 64th poorest community in the UK received Easter Eggs on Easter Sunday, some of whom would otherwise have gone without.

The Cadets had asked their chaplain Father Darren Percival, priest in charge of St Hilda’s, Cross Green how they could help his parish over Easter and Squadron Staff suggested giving chocolate eggs.    

24 Easter Eggs were then collected and given to children who attended church on Easter Sunday. The rest were then distributed to homes in the community.

Fr Darren, who is also priest in charge of St Saviour’s, Richmond Hill, said "It is wonderful to see young people helping and supporting families in the area surrounding the Leeds Squadron where there is a lot of poverty.

“Since becoming Deputy Wing Chaplain I have encouraged all Squadrons to follow the example of Leeds Squadron, not necessarily helping the young, but maybe helping the elderly or the homeless."


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