Evangelism Explored at St George\'s Church Leeds

An inspirational and practical workshop on evangelism has been hosted at St George's Church, Leeds. Clergy and Laity from across the diocese gathered together for a day-long event, which took place yesterday and explored the challenge of sharing the gospel message of Jesus with people in their communities and the wider world. Revd Canon Robin Gamble, Bishop Nick’s special adviser on church growth, lead the day entitled Talking about the ‘E’ Word (sowing, watering and reaping).

“We are getting good in the church at thinking, talking and working towards church growth, but the issues and methodologies of evangelism seem to have almost disappeared off the agenda,” says Robin. 
“So in the Diocese of Leeds we are making a big effort to go further with this vital and life transforming ministry."

Robin was joined by Revd Sophie Jelley (pictured right) of Durham Diocese and Revd Matt Woodcock (pictured right) from the Diocese of York – both well known for their skills and experience of parish-based evangelism. 

The Revd Derek Jones, Assistant Curate at Little Horton, who was in attendance said, "It was a fantastic day of practical, encouraging and challenging reminders about how and why engaging with evangelism is something we as the Church can’t afford to forget. Sophie, Matt and Robin struck a perfect balance of entertaining delivery, open and honest experience and applied wisdom, leaving us with plenty to go home and not just think about, but get out and get on with!"

For more information about future church growth events, inlcuding The Big Turn-A-Round training day in Knaresborough on 6th October, please contact Robin Gamble on robinp.gamble@blueyonder.co.uk

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