Farming’s hidden struggle highlighted at conference on mental health

Farming charities - including the Farming Community Network, begun by the church to support struggling farmers facing crises -  as well as farmers, church leaders and all those concerned with mental health in the farming industry will gather in Harrogate for a conference this month  to highlight health and wellbeing in the rural economy.


‘Help Take the Strain’ will be held at The Pavilions at the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate on Thursday 22nd March from 10am to 1pm and brings together speakers from the National Farmers’ Union, Barclays and RABI as well as mental health professionals.


“With one farmer suicide every week, we cannot ignore the devastation caused for families and friends and the huge impact it can have on a family farming business,” says Kate Dale, a farmer just outside Ripon, and co-ordinator for the Yorkshire Rural Support Network.


“This event seeks to help, inform and support all those who come into contact with farmers and their families. Anyone can be affected by mental health issues and it does not respect age, gender or personality. Anything we can all do to mitigate poor mental health and wellbeing can only be a good thing.”


Speaker, Richard Betton of the Farming Community Network, will be joined by other keynote speakers including Aarun Naik, a Nuffield Scholar and psychotherapist who has studied how mental health  issues are being tackled in the Southern Hemisphere, Dr Hany El Sayeh, a consultant psychiatrist with the Tees,Esk & Wear NHS Trust and Sally Conner of the farming charity, RABI.


All those involved in rural issues are welcome. Book by calling 01904 451550, email or visit


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