First phase of exciting reordering project now underway

An exciting reordering project of Normanton's parish church has commenced at the start of January. 

On Sunday 6th January the congregation of All Saints, Normanton (pictured above) had their last service in their Grade 2* Listed Building and they will be worshipping in the church hall whilst works to update the previous reordering of 27 years ago are completed.  

The exciting development will include new underfloor heating, energy efficient LED lighting, an accessible toilet, a digital PA system, television screens and recarpeting throughout. The font will also be reinstated in a more traditional position near the main entrance, whilst a movable dais will provide flexibility when the building is used outside of regular worship services.

"The reordering project all started as a calculation on the back of an envelope, pricing up some new lights for the church. However, as we delved deeper it became clear that more renovation work was needed and the project snowballed from there," said The Revd Alan Murray, vicar of Normanton parish. 

"It has been a long journey with planning for the project starting three to four years ago. Now the work has started we are very much looking forward to seeing the project complete."

Strong links with the community have been forged over the last few years, seeing more events taking place in the historic building, especially since the town lost its Community Centre a couple of years ago. 

To help boost the funds for the project there are a number of items from the church available for purchase. These include Mission Praise Hymn Books, good quality upholstered folding chairs, a baptistry, some of the existing PA equipment and speakers, plus various other items. To find out what is available, please contact their Church Office via email:


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