First week for new pupils at our 240 schools marked with bag blessing services

Thousands of new pupils have arrived at our 240 schools across the diocese with many churches holding special blessing services to send them on their way.

At St Edmund's, Rounday in Leeds, children and parents gathered on Sunday for its version of Blessing the Bags, said its curate, Revd Claire Corley.

And she said this year it was not just pupils who brought along their bags:

"This service invites people of all ages and stages to bring their bags to church - especially school bags, but also everything from handbags to workbags," Revd Claire said.  

"Here is then the opportunity to reflect on the previous year, committing to God those things best left behind, and praying for, and taking with them their hopes for the year ahead. 

"Last year we used luggage labels, this year we used pegs - pegging up our fears on a washing line at the front, we pegged our hopes on our bags ready for the year ahead.

"We were particularly touched by our pre-schoolers who were as determined as everyone else to be a part of it: the sight of them marching their bags to the front will stick in many peoples' heads for some time!" Revd Claire said.



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