Fond farewell as Archdeacon Bev leaves Diocese to be Bishop of Warrington

A fond farewell was given to Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven, the Venerable Beverley Mason, at a special choral evensong in Ripon Cathedral.

Bev will be consecrated into her new role at York Minster on October 18 and takes up her new post in the Diocese of Liverpool exactly a month later.

Bishop Nick preached at the well-attended service, which he described as: "a celebration of what you, Bev, have brought to the diocese and to all of us."

He said this included both the willingness and strength to confront difficult challenges and to "grasp nettles", adding:

"So this is not a celebration of you going - although you are leaving to go to the Diocese of Liverpool, which I believe is centred in the best city in the world." 

Drawing on the Old Testament reading from the prophecy of Ezekiel, which berates the negligent, self-serving religious heirachy of Israel, Bishop Nick said her new role as a bishop would mean becoming like the Good Shepherd of the New Testament.

"The primary undertaking is to be the Good Shepherd, not just to the people in the churches, not just to Church of England people, but to all people and to engage in public discourse."

The New Testament reading from St Paul's letter to the Ephesians gave Bishop Nick another message for Bev to take with her, to serve out the gift of God's Grace according to the riches of His Glory.

Bev was presented with a landscape painting of Ripon and countryside and thanked everyone for their prayers and good wishes.

"All this leaves me rather breathless," she said.

"It's been an amazing privilege to serve and work with you all.

"I am looking forward to what is ahead, but not without some trepidation, I confess.

"But there is a sense of God's hand on this and I am so grateful for the prayers, love and friendship I have been given in this diocese.

"My time in the Diocese of Leeds has been joyful and fulfilling, surrounded by wonderful people, firstly at All Saints', Bingley and then in the Ripon Episcopal Area and I wish to thank everyone for their generous support."



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