Four schools say Give Peace a Chance

Four schools joined together in Huddersfield Parish Church to celebrate United Nations International Day for Peace last Thursday.

Beaumont Primary Academy, Linthwaite Clough School, Spring Grove School and Woodley School in Longley worked with the assistant curate at the town centre church, the Revd Simon Crook to create the ceremony. It is the second year the church has run the event. 

With art, song, dance, poetry and some insightful letters to world leaders, the children - from four very different schools across the town - expressed a desire for peace and gave advice and guidance on how to make it.

Huddersfield Ceremony of Peace 2017 at Huddersfield Parish Church. Pupils of Woodley College arriving with their 'Peace pole' (l-r) Porcia Kennedy, Ryan Knight, Daniel Walker and Joseph McMenamin. (both Images: Huddersfield Examiner)

The children were joined by Huddersfield and Colne Valley MPs Barry Sherman and Thelma Walker, Kirklees Mayor, Christine Iredale, Deputy Lieutenant, Virginian LLoyd, PCSO Steve Lowman, representatives from other faiths and parents, teachers and governors from the schools.

The Revd Simon Crook said: “The way these schools, with such a diverse range of cultures, religions and abilities have collaborated on the project is a brilliant example of people working for peace within diversity.

“These were not children saying empty, easy words, but children and young people getting to grips with the very depths of the meaning of peace in the face of war, persecution and injustice.”

Both MPs pledged to continue to work for peace and urged the children to hold them to account.

The art work will stay on display in the church until mid-October.



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