Free brunch club for half term

Children can get free brunch this half term as part of a Normanton church’s commitment to their local community .


Meet and Eats is a project run by The Well Project and Normanton Town Council with the support of All Saints Church, Normanton to help the isolated and lonely in the Normanton area.

And this half term they are turning their attention to more vulnerable families and offering a free brunch and activities from 11am – 1pm on Monday 19 February at Woodhouse Community Centre and at The Well Project in Haw Hill Park, Normanton on Wednesday 21 February.


Pictured left is Michelle Newton, Community Project Coordinator at The Well. For more contact The Well Project on 07872 551640 or Normanton Town Council on 01924 893794.


All Saints Church is a vibrant town centre church serving the former mining communities and big housing estates of Normanton where prayer is at the heart of all they do.


In the last few years they have prayed long and hard about the community they serve and realised that young people and older people were both social groups they needed to meet. Eight years ago they set up The Well Project designed to tackle anti social behaviour by young people and offer them positive action and more recently they decided to target social isolation.


They signed up to the Fairtrade Scheme which delivers them a pallet of food every week destined for landfill, which they use to make fresh, tasty meals for the weekly Meet and Eats group – thanks to volunteers like Debs who you see in this film we made as part of our year long campaign to tell our story here in the Diocese of Leeds. They also run a food bank and a clothing bank.  






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