Free service for parishes: nativity sets repaired

Christmas might feel a long way away, but a churchgoer in Cleckheaton near Bradford, is offering a free service to repaint and restore churches’ nativity figures.


John Neale was so touched by the response at St Luke’s, Whitechapel, Cleckheaton when he repainted and restored their nativity set in time for Christmas, pictured left, that he decided it was a gift he would like to share wider.


Since then he has restored Whitechapel’s nativity and has just finished restoring Mirfield St Mary’s set and is happy to help other churches. The only stipulation is you have to bring the set – or whichever part needs restoring – to him at his home in Cleckheaton, in the Huddersfield Episcopal Area - and pay for materials.


Said John: “I love to bring happiness to other people, and repainting and restoring St Luke' s nativity set brought happiness to the whole church including the children. 


“Since then I've restored two more sets and I know it makes people smile, so I simply want to shine the love and light of Jesus and make other people happy.”


The vicar of St Luke’s the Revd Brunel James said: "John loves to restore Christmas nativity sets. These can quickly become chipped and worn, and can cost thousands of pounds to replace.

"He is happy to repaint them to be “as good as new”, and just charges a small amount for materials.  

"I am sure this service will be of use to many parishes," he added.



John doesn’t drive, so any sets for repair need to be dropped with him at 17 Fox Street, Cleckheaton, BD19 6AG. 


He can be contacted on 01274 878454 or


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