From Archdeacon to Bishop for Bev Mason

Bev Mason, former Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven, has been made Bishop of Warrington at a consecration service at York Minster.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu presided over the ceremony, which was attended by Bishop Nick and many other bishops from the Northern Province and beyond.

Bishop Nick and the Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Rvd Paul Bayes (below) jointly presented Bev to Archbishop Sentamu for her ordination and consecration to the office of bishop.

Wellwishers from Bishop Bev's previous church roles, including people from All Saints' Bingley where she began ministry in the Diocese of Leeds, travelled from across the country and many came from the Diocese of Liverpool to see their new suffragan bishop.

The second reading, by Revd Canon Peter Moger, Acting Dean of York, was from Paul's Second Letter to Timothy, which begins:

"As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully."

Referencing this quote in his sermon, the Rt Revd Dr John Inge, Bishop of Worcester, said he knew Bev was an evangelist and that she was now called to proclaim both the forgiving and healing power of Jesus.

"Sin is best thought of as a disease, a dis-ease that needs healing.

"Heartfelt love for Jesus casts out fear and brings with it the healing, wholesome medicine of the Gospel," he said.

He echoed Archbishop Sentamu's introductory comments and said she could be sure of a warm welcome in Warrington.

Dr Sentamu said after the service:

"Since Beverley first gave her life to Christ on the top of Table Mountain whilst on a backpacking trip in 1994, she has never ceased to grow in her commitment to Christ and in witnessing to Him.   


"I am delighted that she will now bring her rich gifts of discipleship and mission to her new role as Bishop of Warrington and we give thanks to God for this today.  


"Please join me in prayer that by the grace of the Holy Spirit, she may be empowered to encourage many others to encounter the risen Christ as she witnesses to the transforming and liberating truth of the Gospel. 

"Warrington Wolves may have lost to Wigan, but they all are great and very determined!’


Bishop Bev said:

"It has been an incredible moving and powerful service and I’m grateful for all who have surrounded today with prayer. 

"In this service I had a real sense of binding my self to the Trinity.


"This is important to me as evidenced by my ring and staff. I serve in the strength of the trinitarian God - and I will carry that out of the minster and into Liverpool.

"I am keenly aware that I am entering the apostolic tradition of witness, proclamation and service. For me, this will to be shaped by the mission of God as we express it in Liverpool.


"I will do all in my power to support and encourage my sisters and brothers in endeavouring to be a bigger church making a bigger difference in their worshipping community, parish, school and Chaplaincy.

"I look forward with eagerness to the next stage of my journey as I am received into the diocese in November and I hope that you will be able to join me in this celebration, not just of my ministry, but of all God is doing in our particular ministries and vocations in the Diocese of Liverpool 

"For now my deepest gratitude for your prayers and warm wishes. God bless you."


Picture above is by Duncan Lomax, Ravage Productions.


 Below are Moses and Claudette Amaechi, friends of Bev from Croydon.









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