Gift ideas to boost church funds at special conference and trade fair

Everyone who works in our cathedral and church shops is invited to a special conference and trade fair in Durham next month.

The Cathedral and Church Shops Association (CCSA), is holding its annual gathering, with more than 40 suppliers of gifts and religious items having stands at Durham Cathedral on September 25 and 26.

“With the current emphasis on Mission and Outreach, our shops and their staff, paid or voluntary, play a vital part not just in much needed fund raising, but also in the Ministry of Welcome,” said Hugh Fearnall, chairman of the CCSA.

“Shop staff are often in the front line of welcoming visitors and pilgrims, being available and occupying a familiar environment, the shop! 

“The CCSA works to help train all those engaged in the Retail fundraising work of our churches and cathedrals to rise to this challenge.”

The CCSA has been in existence since 1972, it is a non-profit making organisation which holds regional training meetings around the country during the year and offers its members connections with quality suppliers, information on products, a discount scheme and specialist retail advice.

Mr Fearnall said any church site with a retail space, be that a small table or shop was welcome to join the association.

For more details and if you wish to attend the Durham event, contact Mr Fearnall on 01434 634347 or email

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