Great changes underway at St Luke\'s as builders move in

The builders are in and work is well underway to create a new community hub at St Luke’s Holbeck.

The team of experts from Walter West Ltd began removing partitions, ceilings and floors after taking over the site in July.

A month after, the site is fully set up, protection provided to all areas necessary including the tree areas as specified by an arboriculturist, and with a complete photographic survey of the site just before works started.

All partition walls and ceilings in the narthex (the screened foyer area at the back of the church) and the existing extension have been removed together with all fixtures and fittings.

The chancel timber screen has been carefully dismantled and stored to the other end of the church waiting to be set up at the original location.

Floor finishes and associated structure have been lifted in the narthex and the existing extension to allow for the construction of the new floors

Through refurbished meeting rooms, a revamped IT suite and a community kitchen the church hope to work with partners to run a drop-in service, youth and children’s work, and social cohesion and employability projects for the local area. 

“We are so grateful to St Luke’s School Beeston Hill who will host our Sunday worship while the building work takes place, and Beeston Hill United Free Church, who will be hosting our projects,” said Revd Alistair Kaye, pictured with worshippers at a ceremonial sod-cutting party.  

“Please pray for us in the coming months as we seek as a church to be Good News on our South Leeds estate.”

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