Greeting the Risen Lord!

Sunrise services were held across the diocese on Easter Day, even when the sun was not to be seen.  Thanks to those who have sent in pictures of their early morning services to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

This year’s most extreme weather image comes from Wensleydale and the parishes of Penhill.  (Pictured with Canon Michael Hepper in the foreground). They tweeted, “At the top of Penhill we meet togeter each year. Christ is Risen Alleluia!

“We have proclaimed it from the hilltop and now we head back to the parishes to celebrate the great Easter message that Christ has conquered death. Hope next year we will actually see the sunrise!”

The Easter morning weather was gentler at All Hallows Bardsey and St Mary Magdalene’s East Keswick for their Sunrise Service at 6.45am on Castle Hill, Bardsey. The Holy Communion service was followed by bacon and sausage sandwiches in Callister Hall. “It was a slippery and muddy climb on a very chilly morning but that didn’t deter the twenty two who all made it to the top. We sang with gusto our Alleluias, and declared that Jesus Christ was risen,”  said the Revd Lynne Grey





Meanwhile on a grey Easter morning, temperature a degree or so above zero, no less than twenty stalwarts met at 6.15 am at All Saints' Kirby Hill to celebrate the Good News of the risen Christ. Many thanks to Colin (the fire); Jeni (bacon butties (bacon kindly donated by the Farm Shop)); and Alison for delivering an uplifting service at the end of what has been, for All Saints', a wonderful Lenten experience in 2018  The Revd  Alison  Askew, Incumbent, Kirby-on-the-Moor, Cundall w Norton-le-Clay & Skelton-cum-Newby




Pictured is Easby Abbey in the north of the diocese and their Sunrise service. 

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