Growing our faith in Wakefield

The Bishop of Wakefield, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, welcomes the Bishop of Hull, the Rt Revd Alison White, to kickstart the fourth series of his Follow Me lectures designed to help people further explore their faith and discipleship.

Bishop Tony set up the series of lectures and discussion groups in response to the Diocesan internal vision of Confident Christians; Growing Churches and Transforming Lives and has been overwhelmed by their success which has seen at least 100 attend every session.

“People are interested in growing in their faith, in learning anew and living out their faith in everyday ways.

“This is just part of our response here in Wakefield to that call,’ he said.

Another part of the response to that call is the Community of All Saints, launched by Bishop Tony last November when he asked the people of the Wakefield Episcopal Area to commit themselves to a rule of life to Pray, Grow, Act.

The anniversary of that event will take place in Wakefield Cathedral on All Saints Day at 7pm with personal testimony, shared examples and a further opportunity to join the All Saints Community.

A Quiet Day is also planned at Mirfield for Advent on Dec 2.

Plans are in the pipeline for a second youth event to be held at Lupset St George’s during October half term. It follows the success of Murder in the Cathedral - the first event for young people across the Wakefield Episcopal Area as part of Bishop Tony's Community of All Saints which saw 70 young people in Wakefield Cathedral where they had to work together to play detective, find clues, interrogate suspects and find the evidence to unmask the murderer. It was followed by Bible story games and contemporary worship.

Next Thursday (Sept 21) the Rt. Revd Alison White – Bishop of Hull - will lead the first in the fourth series of Follow Me in Wakefield Cathedral with her talk on Finding our Way in Prayer.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Follow Me series in which people from the Wakefield Episcopal Area come together for worship, food and fellowship and to learn more about their faith with a variety of subjects on Prayer, the Bible and Discipleship. More here.

You are very welcome to join us for food and Evensong at 6.30pm but please sign up for catering purposes. Evensong at 6.30pm.  Food will be served from 7.15pm.
Follow Me 4 teaching sessions from 7.45pm until 9.15pm.


Please email to book in for the Follow Me Series. Please email to find out more about the Community of All Saints events or visit the website:





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