Happy Birthday The Spring

A church community café and shop has just celebrated its 20th birthday with a weekend of celebrations.

The Spring community café on Barnsley Road, has been at the heart of mission and ministry in the parish of Sandal Magna serving thousands of people delicious food, operating a shop that takes in second hand clothes and goods and offering volunteering opportunities for many.

To mark the 20th birthday they had an open house all Saturday with music played by Phil Asquith and Andy Hodson and a service of worship and thanks on the Sunday which was held in The Spring when prayers were offered by the congregations of St Helen’s, Sandal and St Paul’s Walton for the on going work of The Spring. The service ended with the heartfelt singing of "To God be the Glory”.

Vicar, the Revd Rupert Martin, commended the commitment and hard work of The Spring Manager, Catherine Moxham, her teams and the many volunteers who have served over the years. He thanked all those who supported The Spring by donating goods, visiting the shop and cafe, and giving generously to its monthly charity.  
"The Spring," he said, "has provided a prayerful place of welcome, hospitality and friendship, as well as spiritual and physical refreshment at the heart of this community. It has also helped to fund the work of the Christians against Poverty Wakefield Centre which supports people who struggle with debt or other life issues." 

The birthday cake was cut by Ron Young who masterminded the refurbishment of the former St Helen's Parochial Hall in 1997 into the café and shop.
To mark the anniversary, the shop saw a make-over with woolly cloud sculptures suspended from the ceiling to help absorb the sounds of the busy café. These was made possible through a WMDC grant from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, and a generous donation from the Sandal Community Association. 

The Spring was redecorated with paint donated by the Dulux Decorator Centre. 


The Saturday team serving at The Spring.

A sprightly Betty Littlewood, aged 90, who has served at The Spring twice a week for the last 20 years

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