Heavenly host invite for Dewbury shops and businesses

Crafty people at Dewsbury Minster are busy knitting angels to take round all the shops and businesses in town with a message of hope and an invitation to come to church on Christmas Eve.

Knitters have been busy with their needles and hope to start to deliver their heavenly host round the town from December 10 to December 23.

Children from the Sunday Group have been working on the design for the invitation – see left - and Amelia, aged nine, has penned the following words: “You are invited to come to our Christingle service at Dewsbury Minster on 24 December 4pm. We hope you can come to it.  We are excited to see you. "

There will also be attached a message of hope: "The Angel said "Don't be afraid, I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David's hometown a saviour was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. "Luke 1.10-12. 

Anyone who can help with the knitting can get a knitting pattern for the angels from Liz Cash at the Minster – email her liz_cash@sky.com

They also need volunteers to help take the heavenly host round town - again, contact Liz or see her in the Minster.

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