Hope Beyond from new Allchurches grant programme

The Allchurches Trust have launched a new grants programme aiming to support churches as they adapt to changing circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The Hope Beyond programme aims to fund innovative, impactful projects that will enable people and organisations to flourish in life after lockdown, building resilience and encouraging hope.
Hope Beyond grants will aim to tackle three big areas that have emerged from dealing with the current situation: helping with loneliness and isolation, promoting improving mental and emotional health, and growing technological capability by increasing digital capacity and provision.  
The grants will support capital projects such as the purchasing of new equipment or the adapting of buildings, but can also fund project related salaries and other revenue costs.
Grants of up to £50,000 are available to churches and Christian charities, with the amount received depending upon the cost of the project and the level of need in the community, ranging from 10% of project cost through to 80%.
More information and application details can be found here.

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