Hospital chaplaincy team boosted on NHS 70th anniversary

Chaplaincy teamThe chaplaincy team at Leeds Teaching Hospitals has been boosted with the appointment of the Revd Darren McClintock as a new chaplain, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service.

Darren was licensed at a service in Leeds this week, held in the Chapel of Leeds General Infirmary and led by the Bishop of Kirkstall, Bishop Paul Slater.

Pictured above are lead chaplain, the Revd Ben Rhodes. new chaplain, the Revd Darren McClintock and the Bishop of Kirkstall, Rt Revd Paul Slater,

Darren comes to Leeds from being Team Vicar at Bilton, Harrogate followed by three years as Hospice Chaplain at Wakefield Hospice. He is married to Cass, a Child Psychiatrist in Harrogate.

“After  three years at Wakefield, I felt it was right to continue in chaplaincy,” said Darren.

Team“Being part of the Chaplaincy team at the Trust here is wonderful, learning from others,  and just the breadth and variety of being part of such a large trust is wonderful.

“I have always been keen on the pastoral side of ministry and that is what I will continue to focus on.”

Based at St James Hospital, Darren will work at all the Trusts hospitals including the LGI, Chapel Allerton and Seacroft.

Darren’s appointment has been welcomed by the head of chaplaincy, the Revd Ben Rhodes. “Darren brings in a huge amount of expertise in end of life care from his experience at the Wakefield Hospice.

“As a chaplaincy team we always want to be the best we can be for the patients and those with them, the patients, the staff and the people of West Yorkshire.”

Ben says that the 70th anniversary of the NHS is something to be celebrated. “Part of the celebration of NHS 70 is about treating people as whole people, body, mind and spirit and that their religious, pastoral and spiritual needs are equally important to their physical or mental health needs.

“We know that people have better outcomes if you are looking after the existential the spiritual side of things.  As a team we are bearing witness to the wonderful diversity of humanity and every person matters.”

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