Hospitality of church supported by council during current crisis

The great welcome of one of our churches is being supported by their local authority with a new grant, as part of a scheme to help hospitality activities during the current crisis.

The Eldwick Church received £10,000 from the Bradford Metropolitan District Council after being encouraged to apply by them.

The church runs an outreach café as part of its ministry to the village, while some 20 community groups use the building to meet, including a choir, pre-school nursery and several yoga groups.

Richard Arnold, Churchwarden, said: “The process of applying was plain sailing after we’d confirmed we were eligible with the council.

“All we had to do was fill in a form providing some details about us, and the money was in our account within a month.

“The grant will be a real boost to us, allowing us to do what we want to do this year despite the difficult circumstances.

“I’d encourage other churches to at least look into whether they are eligible- you never know!”

If you would like to know more, or would like support in making your own application, please contact our Stewardship and Income Generation team at

More details on the relevant criteria for applying for grants can be found on local authority websites.

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