Invitation to help with COVID-19 survey from one of our treasurers

A survey to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on clergy and laity in the diocese is being carried out by one of our parish treasurers.

Doug Hall is a Reader Emeritus and is currently treasurer and Deanery Synod rep for Christ Church Lothersdale. Since retiring from running his own market research company, he has been involved in carrying out research on various aspects of faith and spirituality.

Along with his wife, Revd Dr Gill Hall, a retired SSM within the diocese, several research papers have been published in peer reviewed journals based on their work.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on our churches and has severely restricted ministry, but it has also encouraged new forms of online ministry,” said Doug, pictured. 

“Now is a good time to assess how churchgoers have responded to the experience and what they think the future might hold.” The online survey is being conducted by Doug, together with Prof Leslie Francis of York St John University and is running in tandem with another survey supported by the Church Times.

“The more people who complete the survey form will provide greater reliability to the findings which will be fed back to the diocese in due course,” Doug said.

People are invited to take part by clicking on the following link and completing the questionnaire.

If paper copies are required, please email Doug at:

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