Invitation to ‘walk on water’

While many people will be taking down the Christmas decorations, an invitation is going out to church leaders, and to anyone else interested, to come to Bradford Cathedral on the twelfth day of Christmas, Saturday 6 January, for a training day with a difference.

Walking on Water is the title of a New Wine ‘taster’ day, taking place at Bradford Cathedral on from 10am-4pm. The day will be led by the Assistant national leader of the New Wine network, Mark Melluish, and is based on a new book ‘Walking on Water’ by Paul and Becky Harcourt – the £15 cost for the day includes a copy of the book.

Archdeacon of Bradford, Ven . Andy Jolley heads the urban stream of the New Wine ministry and has commended the day to lay and clergy.

He said, “It's great to be able to invite you to a New Wine Taster day at Bradford Cathedral on 6th January. Many Christians long to experience a greater purpose and depth in their spiritual lives.  This day has been designed to help with this and offer a taste of New Wine’s particular ministry of worship, teaching and prayer. 

“My hope is that everyone there will be enabled to take steps deeper into the adventure of following Jesus.  All those attending will get a free copy of Paul and Becky Harcourt's excellent book Walking on Water, which will help them carry this on after the day."

For more information and to register visit the website here

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