Join a \'Countryfile\' pilgrimage through Upper Nidderdale

Keen ramblers are invited to join church walkers from Upper Nidderdale for a ramble along the Nidderdale valley on Saturday 20 October in support of Children in Need.

The parishes ‘Walking in Faith’ group (pictured) are joining BBC’s Countryfile Ramble this year to support Children in Need and are inviting others to join them.

They will be following the route of the ‘Nidderdale Pilgrimage’, a new booklet created by Rev'd Claire Renshaw and Rev'd Darryl Hall.

The walk will set off at 8am finishing at 5.30pm – but anyone can choose to walk the whole pilgrimage or join for just one or two sections.

Vicar, Revd Darryl Hall says, “The Countryfile walk will take us up Dale and will visit St Cuthberts Church, Pateley Bridge, Bewerley Grange Chapel, St Mary's at Greenhow, Wath Methodist Chapel, St Mary's at Ramsgill and finally St Chad's at Middlesmoor and will follow the route of the Nidderdale Pilgrimage.

Anyone who would like to join us for the whole day or for section/s would be welcome.

* Wilsill - St Cuthbert's - 08:00 - 09:00

* St Cuthbert's - Bewerley -09:00 - 09:30

* Bewerley to Greenhow - 09:30 - 11:15

- Toft Gate Lime Kiln - 10:45 - 11:15

 Tea break

* Greenhow to Wath - 11:30 - 13:30


* Wath - Ramsgill 14:00 - 15:30

 Tea Break

* Ramsgill - Middlesmoor - 15:45 - 17:30

- Studfold - Middlesmoor - 16:45 - 17:30

 Beer at The Crown

If you would like to join in please let the organisers know so that the walk can wait if it arrives ahead of time. Contact Richard Dutton 07793 495 464

Sponsors are also welcome . A sponsorship page has been set up on the Children in Need page


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