Join in the Christmas story at Huddersfield Church

Huddersfield Parish Church is being transformed into an Advent Calendar with doors opening every day this month to tell the Christmas story – and it is asking members of the public to be part of it.

A new window opens in church every day of December – featuring images and a devotional message or thought of the season.

On Christmas Eve, the biggest window will open to reveal the nativity –  and the church is asking people to be part of the crowd in the nativity window by sending their photo and join in the telling of the Christmas story.

You can send your picture to be part of the nativity by emailing it to:

It is the first time the church has turned itself into a giant Advent Calendar as the vicar, the Revd Canon Simon Moor, explained: “The last couple of Advents we have produced a daily thought for the day, but this year we wanted to do something a bit more visual and wanted to engage the whole of our congregation in being part of the Christmas story.” 

“And we thought, why not invite members of the public who might not be part of our regular congregation to come and join in the telling of the story too, by asking for their photograph to be displayed as part of the nativity scene.”

The exhibition of Advent doors is just along the north wall inside the town centre church which is open every day – – many of the images have been drawn and designed by members of the congregation – including this one from one of the youngest church members.

December 7: Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was also going to have a special baby. When they met, the baby in Elizabeth’s tummy jumped about. 

How do you react to the holy? Do you search for holy people and holy moments? Mary's visit to Elizabeth and the account of the child Elizabeth was carrying can give us a hint of how we react physically in the presence of holiness. Pleasure, excitement, calmness or peace after worship or a blessed conversation maybe conflicting emotions and yet typify brushes with holiness. Elizabeth response is prayed by many Christians at midday.
"Hail Mary, full of grace; the LORD is with thee: blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."




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