On Saturday 24 June 24 deacons were ordained as priests at services in each of the five Episcopal Area where they are serving as curates. The priesting services all went successfully and were held at Ripon Cathedral, Leeds Minster, Bradford Cathedral, Dewsbury Minster and Wakefield Cathedral.
Pictured outside Leeds Minster with Bishop Paul are new priests, from left, Sonia Kasibante, Hanna Livesley, Jimmy Lawrence, Kathryn Elliot and Alison Battye.
More details about those made priests on 24 June here
The diocese is being encouraged to pray for its new deacons and priests using an ‘Ember Card’, being distributed across the diocese. Download the card as a PDF here.
Pictured holding their Ordination Bibles outside Dewsbury Minster with Bishop Jonathan and Archdeacon Anne are, from left, Simon Scott, Cindy Sheard and Andrew Steer.
Pictured with Bishop Toby at Bradford Cathedral from left: Nathanael Poole, Tim Roberts, Anthony Laotan, Sue McWhinney and Robert Johnson.
[video:https://youtu.be/w9g0dunkCco width:450px align:left]
Film of the ordinations at Wakefield Cathedral with Bishop Nick at which John Fisher, Kate Reynolds, Lucy Savage and Tim Stevens were ordained priest.
Pictured at Ripon Cathedral from left: Julie Clarkson, Ruth Donegan-Cross, Stephen Hanscombe, Tim Madeley and Stroma McDermott.
Pray for those ordained as priests on June 24
Revd Alison Battye My deacon’s year at St Mary’s Whitkirk has been challenging, exciting, fulfilling – and fun. I have been humbled by the way being an ordained person enables me to enter into people’s lives. People share their stories and are often open to prayer. Taking funerals is a privilege and has shown me the power of the role of ordained minister and of the Church’s liturgy to bring comfort and hope. Some highlights of the year have been leading a Lent course on the dialogue between science and faith, and seeing our young people grow into leaders for a new children’s group. Perhaps the most moving has been experiencing the church’s year afresh through the liturgy and formal worship at St Mary’s, and seeing how this enables people to encounter God. Serving my title in a parish where the Eucharist is absolutely central to worship has reinforced my sense that presiding at the Eucharist is part of what I am called to do, so I expect this to be a very special part of my priesthood.
Revd Julie Clarkson. Someone once told me that “If you love what you do, you never work another day”. And that really, sums up my time since I was ordained Deacon and came to serve my title post at the United Benefice of Barnoldswick with Bracewell. Serving God in three very diverse churches is a joy and a privilege and has given me the opportunity to vastly widen my experience. There have been many highlights over the past year and just a few of them include: working with the local church school, involved in starting up a Café Church, helping to establish a monthly after-school worship group, working ecumenically, funeral and baptism ministry and achieving my MA in Theology. My diaconate year has flown by and I’m grateful for all the trust gained, the support given and the many blessings received along the way. The role is not always easy and it comes with its challenges. However, as time goes on I am keenly aware that I am in the right place and of God’s call to priestly ministry.
Revd Tim Stevens. Since my ordination as a deacon last July, I have enjoyed being involved in all aspects of life at Wakefield Cathedral. I have been given opportunities to lead worship in a variety of settings, exercise pastoral ministry at people’s homes and in hospital, lead Bible study groups as part of our regular programme, be part of large civic events, and many other things as well. It has been a great privilege to work with some amazing people, and I have appreciated the warmth of the welcome which I and my family received. Once I am ordained priest this Summer, I look forward to deepening my experience and knowledge of practical details, personal relationships and faith.
Revd Ruth Donegan-Cross. My journey to ordination was a long road, and being ordained last year was a huge milestone in my life. I have relished almost all aspects of ministry this year; I have really enjoyed getting to know my new parish, working alongside my colleagues, learning new skills, and witnessing God at work. There have been times when I have been pushed right out of my comfort zone and have stepped out, as if onto thin ice, and have known with conviction that God has held me safe, and given me what I have needed; and other times where I have known with great clarity that God has equipped me for this new identity, and it fits like a pair of well-worn shoes. I am really looking forward to being priested, and the next chapter in this exciting, demanding, all-consuming, wonderful journey of ordained ministry.
Revd Kathryn Elliott I was ordained as a Distinctive Deacon in 2008, and being ordained has meant fulfilment, blessing and challenge. I have enjoyed the diverse ministry of being a deacon, especially visiting in the community, leading a variety of services, establishing a pre school group in church, taking school assemblies and welcoming school classes into church. It has been a privilege to be alongside those going through significant life events. Hopes for my priesthood are to continue the servant role of a deacon and for God to continue his transformation within me so that in Eucharistic ministry others are welcomed and nurtured in God’s love , for their unique calling.
Revd Jimmy Lawrence. I have loved my time as a Deacon, working at Otley Parish Church with Graham my incumbent has been a fun, exhausting, and an exciting learning curve. During the Ordination service last summer Bishop Nick outlined the calling of a Deacon: I now have those words printed on the wall of my study and read them most weeks. Being ordained to "reach into the forgotten corners of the world, that the love of God may be made visible" is a profound and, at times, heart-wrenching calling. My work as a trustee of the Lighthouse Network, which seeks to bring hope and the love of Jesus to those battered and bruised by the storms of life, has continued to show me just how powerfully God's light can shine in the dark corners of this world. It is a privilege and honour to be ordained to show the forgotten people of our cities that God has not forgotten them. Secondly, being ordained to "accompany those searching for faith and bring them to baptism" has been one of my great joys this past year. Otley Parish Church has run two enquirers courses, one in a pub and one in a cafe. The conversations I had there were challenging, stimulating and a lot of fun. I am grateful for the opportunity to create spaces where those seeking faith can encounter Jesus. Finally, being ordained deacon is a call to "bring the needs of the world before the Church in intercession." This year I was involved in the organising of Thy Kingdom Come in Otley. The Churches together used a local coffee shop to prayer continuously from 8am-11pm for the 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost. This was a wonderful time of prayer and worship with Christians from across the denominations. I do not know what God will do in Otley next year, or what he will do in me through my priesting. To be honest I am only just coming to terms with what he did at my deaconing! However I am hopeful and expectant that "the dawn from on high shall break upon us... and guide our feet into the way of peace".
Revd Nathanael Poole. Since being ordained I have felt a greater responsibility in my own Christian discipleship, as well as a greater hunger for growth in holiness and being close to Jesus. I found especially pertinent the words of Bishop Nick as he prayed through the words of the ordinal, "you cannot bear the weight of this calling in your own strength.... So pray earnestly for the gift of the Holy Spirit". I still feel an awfully long way off the challenge of Christian discipleship which is laid out in the ordinal prayer, I think I ought to pray more earnestly! In my first year of curacy I have enjoyed starting a small group for young adults (18-30s), and beginning to explore the Bible together and what it means to follow Jesus. I have also enjoyed spending time with the young people on a Sunday evening. Being in Bradford has given me lots to reflect on concerning mission in a multi cultural community, I have also eaten a lot of delicious curries! As I turn my mind to looking forward to being ordained a presbyter in June, I am looking forward to serving the church in Eucharistic ministry, as well as furthering things that I have gotten involved with in my year as a deacon. I hope to find the ordination to the presbyterate as powerful and challenging as I found the ordination to the diaconate!
Revd Steven Harvey. I have no idea where the time has gone since I was ordained deacon last summer. They say that time flies when you are enjoying yourself and I have certainly been enjoying ordained ministry so far. Of course, that is not to say that there have not been busy, stressful or confusing moments; but even those have been opportunities to draw closer to God and learn to trust myself less and Him more. One thing that continues to amaze me about ordained ministry is its sheer breadth. Take one of the days I had recently, for example. I spent the morning praying, receiving two requests for funerals and making the preliminary arrangements for them, then preparing materials for student Alpha session that evening. I spent the afternoon writing a talk for a series of Lent Meditations at the church the following evening before delivering an after-school club for children at a local primary school. That evening, I then spent leading the aforementioned student Alpha session. How many callings give you privilege of seeing all that in one day?! My hope as I approach ordination to the priesthood is simply that God will use me as He sees fit, and that day-by-day, reminding me that I am but a clay jar and that I need Him to grants me the power of His Spirit in which to faithfully do what He wants me to do.
Revd Tim Madeley. “I have really enjoyed the first year of curacy in the Ingleborough Team. The congregations across the 5 churches have been very welcoming and encouraging. I have had many opportunities to be involved and learn what it means to wear a collar around the town. I am a regular helper with the Auction Mart Chaplaincy and have quickly come to know the differences in sheep and cattle breeds! I am looking forward to priesting and being able to continue to walk alongside the church and the community here and we are all excited to see what God has in store for us.”
Revd Stephen Hanscombe. I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. I have constantly been reminded what a privilege it is to serve as a deacon serving in the Bedale Benefice and as Co-Headteacher in my school in Northallerton. It is the small things that have struck me the most - the conversations with people, the opportunity to pray with them and walk alongside them as we work together to build God's Kingdom and to support people at important times in their lives - both at times of rejoicing and times of sadness. My hopes for my priesthood are to continue to work alongside and among the people of the Benefice and to become the Priest that God wants me to be.
Revd Sonia Kasibante.The months seem to have flown by since ordination to the diaconate in July last year, and this could only be a positive sign! Life in my title parishes of Gipton and Oakwood has been full of new, exciting and challenging experiences. I have felt very happy and supported in my role as curate. It is a unique privilege to be in position to serve a diverse cross-section of people, to learn from them and to share prayer and worship, joys and sorrows, the mundane and the exciting aspects of everyday life. I have been inspired in many ways: by the openness and uninhibited enthusiasm of children and young people in church and at school; by the resilience and energy of their parents; by the faithfulness and Christian witness of the older generation; by the trust and humble gratitude of the bereaved; by the sturdiness and patience of asylum seekers. In addition to learning through the people I meet and the experiences we share, I continue to appreciate learning through preparation for sermons, other pieces of work entrusted to me and ongoing training from the diocese and I feel tremendously grateful to be able to spend my time doing this. Please pray that I may grow in wisdom, the ability to listen attentively to God and others and to articulate the Good News and the hope that is within me.
Revd Sue McWhinney. I have been in a busy parish, with three churches, and this year for me has been a time of change, meeting lots of new people, and new opportunities. I have found that it has been a particular privilege to conduct baptisms and funerals, to accompany people at times of joy and loss, and to experience the grace of God at work in those times. I have found it to be true, as the Ordinal says, that we can only do this ministry by the grace and power of God. My hope for the future when I am priested is that I shall continue to grow into being the minister that God has called me to be, and that I will be faithful to that calling.
Revd Tim Roberts. It been an eventful year or so for me and my family. Like many of my colleagues I have not only had the life changing experience of being ordained as a deacon, but I have moved house, sent my children to a new school, completed my academic studies and began serving at a new church with many new tasks and roles to learn. However, this year has been extraordinary; firstly experiencing the devastating sudden death of my mum and then contracting viral meningitis a few months later and dealing with the truly debilitating post viral fatigue that follows. It has undoubtedly been a tough year, but the love and care from my wife Emma has been incredible and the compassion from the Bishops, the Archdeacon, my incumbent and local congregation has been humbling. I have learnt afresh that I am loved and valued by my Heavenly Father and the body of Christ not because of what I can do, but because of who I am - a child of God. Despite the personal challenges, I have loved my time so far at St John's, Clayton and take great joy from being in the dual position of both learning and making a difference. But today is another marker in the sand, today I give my life afresh to serve God and His church as a priest. Once again I'm left feeling blessed and humbled.
Revd Lucy Savage. This first year, ordained as a deacon, has been incredible. It continues to be a joy and a privilege to serve the Church and community of Ossett & Gawthorpe. It has been a whirlwind of learning and I am constantly reminded of God’s presence and power in my life to equip and provide for me as I have live and serve in this place. I have especially enjoyed visits to people in their homes, involvements with the local schools and working collaboratively with volunteers in facilitating various events, as we share our faith with those around us. Ordination to the priesthood will be the fulfilment of many years of God’s call upon my life and my hope is that I will lead a life focussed on God and that I would, by example of prayer, learning and personal faith and through administration of the sacraments, lead people to God and develop their faith by walking alongside them as they discover and discern God’s call upon their own lives so that we can work together in God’s mission throughout the world.
Revd Alex Ladds. It is almost a year since I was ordained Deacon and started my curacy here in BMT. As my ordination to the Priesthood approaches I have been reflecting on all that has happened and all that I have learnt over the last few months. As I produced my portfolio summarising my experiences as a Curate this served to demonstrate the diversity and breadth of activity that goes on in a small rural parish. It has been my pleasure to be welcomed into the three Churches to take part in and lead a wide variety of services. One of the key benefits to my experience has been the distinct characters of each of the churches and the variation in liturgy and style of worship that this has afforded. So much has happened that to pick out key events is difficult but among the highlights is the Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham at which I was honoured to Deacon at the main service of the week. Another highlight was taking part in the celebration of Holy Week and Easter. The Vigil service at Broughton was extremely moving, the Good Friday service at Marton gave me a chance to try out a new liturgy and the Dawn Mass followed by breakfast at Thornton made getting up so early very worthwhile. As I look forward to my Priesting I am looking forward to continuing to serve in my parish and as school Chaplain at Giggleswick and learning more and more of what ministry means.
Revd Stroma McDermott. Being ordained has been exciting, adventurous, daunting and challenging and it has been a very special year. I have loved getting to know the Parish and being able to engage with people across ages, interests and traditions. As Deacon I’ve been able to do a lot inside and outside of church. In particular It’s been a massive privilege to be involved in our funeral and baptism ministries, school assemblies and services and to train and equip new teams for prayer ministry, children’s work and our women’s group. As a Priest I’m looking forward to presiding at our communion services and inviting people to share at God’s table and to discern with God’s people where Christ is leading us and growing us.
Revd Hannah Lievesley. My time as a deacon has been exciting and challenging - often joyful; often exhausting; never dull! I have been welcomed, encouraged and nurtured by the wonderful people of St John’s since my arrival, and feel very much at home here. The variety of ordained ministry has surprised me. I am encouraged that within this variety there is great scope to discover where my particular gifts lie and allow God to use those to best advantage. Highlights of the year include: the confirmation service in January, when we heard the candidates stories of how God had brought them to that point; a whole-school assembly, teaching the children to sing ‘When it’s Stormy’ and seeing their delight; and some of the more poignant pastoral encounters in which God has seemed very present with us. I’ve enjoyed the opportunities that wearing a collar brings. In particular the conversations it opens up with complete strangers when walking the dog in the park! For priesthood, my hopes are that God will continue to lead, encourage and equip me. I’m praying particularly that the Holy Spirit will give inspiration (and speed!) to my sermon preparation; that I will continue to grow in confidence; and that, with the whole people of St John’s, we will find new and exciting ways to proclaim the gospel and grow the church in Farsley.
Revd Anthony Laotan. Since being ordained as a Deacon, life has become incredibly busier but more meaningful at the same time. I have come to realise the huge level of expectation and respect with which clergy are viewed both within the church and the wider community. This year, I have grown spiritually and benefitted greatly from our daily rhythm of Morning Prayer and prayerfully led team meetings. Being uniquely placed within a team of clergy has enabled me to observe and learn from two completely different vicars yet given room to develop my style and discover areas of ministry that I'm naturally gifted for. What I have enjoyed the most though is just connecting with people and just getting to know them by visiting and sharing life with them. All the above-mentioned would not have been possible without the unflinching support of my wife and kids who have made an incredible sacrifice to ensure I am in pursuit of my calling, purpose and destiny.
Revd Cindy Sheard. It is a real privilege to serve in the Parishes of Christ Church in Liversedge and St James in Heckmondwike - both places I grew up in. I am looking forward to the future and walking alongside others in the faith journey.
Revd Robert Johnson My Deacon’s year has been challenging, rewarding and enjoyable, a time when God has been at work with me in more ways than one. As a Self-Supporting Minister I have spent my weekdays as a Pastoral Support Worker in a local high school (and will continue to do so), while spending as much time as I can in the parishes learning and enjoying the support of my training incumbent along with the welcoming congregations of St James the Great, Woodhall and St Margarets, Thornbury.
To serve the Christian community and the school community is both an awesome responsibility and a great privilege. As I prepare to be ordained priest I look forward to the challenge that a widening ministry will bring with the same confidence that God will walk with me as I meet, greet, prepare and welcome God’s people sacramentally into active membership of God’s kingdom.
Revd Andrew Steer. Reverend? Me? It’s been almost a whole year since I was ordained as Assistant Curate in the Parish of Almondbury with Farnely Tyas, and it still feels quite surreal. I’ve loved being able to tell school children and teachers about Jesus, I’ve sung hymns in care homes and prayed with people at home and on the street. I’ve baptised children, been entrusted with funerals and am now preparing to marry. This has been an incredible time of working out what it means to be ‘ordained’ and what that means to others as well. Living the public life of a minister has brought new questions of identity and a development of what it means to be me.I’ve enjoyed serving at the altar each week but now I really look forward to presiding over the whole service and having full involvement in the mystery and wonder of the Eucharist. I look forward to continuing development in all aspects of ministry, getting ready to ‘fly solo’ and preparing for parish ministry. Priesting will be, amongst many other things, another affirmation of God’s love for his world, and I look forward to being a part of that blessing.
Revd John Fisher. Whow what an amazing and challenging year it’s been. When the wife and I arrived in this united benefice of Darton and Staincross we were overwhelmed by the warm welcome from both the congregations and the community at large. I have been given numerous opportunities as part of my ongoing formation to develop my future role as a priest such as funerals, leading Morning Prayer, assisting at baptisms, weddings the list goes on.
In the community I run various school assemblies and are now an active school governor at one of them. I helped to kick start the local pantomime after 25 years much to my embarrassment (Yes I ended up in tights and make up as one of the Panto Dames!). I am also involved in many other community projects such as “The Voice for Darton” and help to run the village fete. I have started a hiking group, crafts and games club, and set up a webpage too. I could not have done all this without the incredible support of our two churches and of course my family. I look forward to the next two years in this amazing community
Revd Kate Reynolds
Revd Simon Scott