Judiciary gather at Bradford Cathedral for Annual Legal Service

Members of the judiciary from across the diocese have celebrated our law and its Godly basis at Bradford Cathedral.
High court judges and magistrates from West Yorkshire gathered on February 2 for the Cathedral’s Annual Legal Service, which acknowledged the sovereignty of God and the Judeo-Christian foundation of UK law and the legal system.
The Right Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, Bishop of Ripon preached at the well-attended service.
The Revd Canon Paul Maybury, from Bradford Cathedral, said: "We were honoured to welcome representatives of the judiciary and legal profession to the Annual Legal Service. 
“It is a wonderful spectacle to behold and everyone is always welcome. 
“This Bradford tradition goes from strength to strength, year on year and we look forward to welcoming all.”
The Dean of Bradford, the Very Revd Jerry Lepine, led the service and the cathedral choir led the hymn singing and offered an anthem.


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