Knitted church hits the headlines

The painstaking work of a group of knitting enthusiasts from St Stephen’s Parish Church at Steeton near Keighley has been recognised with a national newspaper article after they created an amazing knitted scale model of the church and village.

St Stephen’s nine-strong Knit and Natter group, led by Diane Danby, spent eight months last year knitting the church and village with enormous attention to detail. Between them they knitted for hundreds of hours.

Now they have hit the headlines with an article in the Daily Express this week headlined “Worshippers spend hundreds of hours knitting scale model of their parish church”.

In the article, Diane tells the paper that the initial planning work was done by her partner. “It began with my partner Philip Walker going out with a camera and taking lots of pictures of the church and the area surrounding it.

"At my knitting group every Monday and Friday afternoon we then discussed how to recreate everything in the pictures - even down to the writing on the village war memorial.”

The completed work went on display to encourage donations towards repairing the leaking church roof.  The church also received £57000 towards the urgent repairs from the National Heritage Memorial Fund. 

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