Latest \'Hope on the Edge\' event from Bradford Cathedral looks to care for God\'s Creation

Voices from all generations have talked about what we can do for God’s Creation as part of the latest ‘Hope on the Edge’ event from Bradford Cathedral.
‘Hope on the Edge’ is a twice yearly gathering to which people are invited to come and pray for issues that are of concern., and this time the group discussed how we can offer care and prayer for Planet Earth, looking at how the environmental damage inflicted on the world can be halted.
The subject was suggested by a group of Christian young people who contributed to the previous ‘Hope on the Edge’ session back in October.
‘Care and Prayer for Planet Earth’ was online due to the COVID-19 crisis and featured a mixture of pre-recorded talks and discussion points, and the chance for those taking part to reflect, pray and act on about the issues raised. 
The event looked at three areas we can have an impact on: ‘Homes and Buildings’, ‘Transport’, and ‘Trees and Nature’.
The ‘Homes and Buildings’ section was led by a group of young Christian people from the Bradford area, while ‘Transport’ was led by climate change campaigners David and Mollie Somerville.
‘Trees and Nature’ was led by Mike De Villiers, who is part of the eco group at the cathedral.
The Rt Revd Dr Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford, shared his reflections and led prayer to close the event.
Diocesan Environment Officer Jemima Parker said: “I would encourage everyone to watch and participate in Bradford Cathedral’s inspiring and challenging Hope on the Edge event. 
“The Cathedral is already a leader in this vital mission to care for creation. 
“Through this creative online worship event it has given young people the space to lead us in applying our faith to the biggest challenge of our time.”
The event can be found on YouTube here.

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