Leeds vicar helps lead Tall Ship to victory

Normally landlocked at St Aidan’s, Harehills, the Revd Andi Hofbauer has just helped lead a group of 24 sea cadets to victory in a Tall Ships’ race in the Baltic Sea.

She’s on board the Sea Cadet corps' Tall Ship TS Royalist as relief bosun, and they have come first in class and second overall - out of 48 ships.

She says, “I’m delighted - to do so well is a tremendous achievement.

"All credit to our cadets, the adults, and especially to our captain, Lt (SCC) (RNR) Angela Morris".

“As relief bosun I’ve been working on the deck, teaching 24 sea cadets aged between 15-21 how to sail a tall ship, which lines to pull, and how to work aloft safely as well as doing minor repairs and going on watches”.

The TS Royalist is taking part in the Tall Ships' race for the first time. There are around 12 different nationalities taking part, and 50% of the crew have to be under 25 years.

Andi adds, “I first sailed on a Tall Ship when I was a Mission to Seafarers Assistant Lay Chaplain in 2000. I then became a Sea Cadet Padre, and gained qualifications to share the cadets' experiences, and I eventually qualified as a relief bosun.

"I’ve sailed on Royalist every year since 2003 (except in 2008), for between one to four weeks each year.

“It's a true blast, working with young people aged 13-18 in a challenging and exhilarating environment, training, encouraging, accompanying them on their journey, and having 'serious fun' (one of the Corps' mottos) along the way. 

“We're now in Kotka in Finland for the weekend festival which includes the crew parade and prize giving ceremony.

"A new crew will arrive on Saturday to tackle the next leg of the race”. 





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