Lent in the Dales starts with pancakes

PancakesIt was pancakes for all at the Vicarage Pancake party in Brompton on Swale near Richmond. But as well as fun and games, visitors were left in no doubt that Shove Tuesday was a preparation for the season of Lent.

Lent bagsVicar, the Revd  Yvonne Callaghan explains: “The Annual Pancake Party helps us get ready for Lent, exploring what 'shrove' means, how confession is vital to receive all that Jesus has done for us in his death and resurrection, and from that understanding enter the season of Lent as a purposeful and helpful preparation for Easter.

“Everyone who came along received a Lent bag (pictured right) containing sand, seeds, stones, human figure, candle, shell and a purple cloth to set out our Lent Space upon as we journey through Lent.”

And showing that all ages were included, pancakes came in all sizes from the largest to the smallest.

Meanwhile at Ripon, the historic Shrove Tuesday pancake races continued, with clergy and lay members of Ripon Cathedral taking part, and  teams  from local businesses and schools many of them dressing up in Victorian costumes.

Pancakes RiponAround 300 pancakes were made by members of 21 Regiment, with approximately 200 people running in total.

Canon Paul Greenwell, from Ripon Cathedral, said: "For many years local people have come here to Ripon to enjoy the pancake races. This year we have had almost a dozen local schools running up Kirkgate with their pancakes – all cooked  by the army for us."

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