Life mirrors art to raise funds as vicar abseils down church tower

Life has mirrored art in aid of church improvements at Silsden, where the daring vicar has abseiled down St James’ tower.

Revd David Griffiths decided to bring to life a comic image which local artist Martin Williamson had created for mugs and coasters to be sold of the church’s renovation appeal.

Martin’s quirky design depicts the vicar swaying recklessly 75ft high in the air.

And so Revd David was roped up to make a real-life descent, assisted by scout leaders Doug Hails and Steve Rollins.

“The church clock looks like it needs a new coat of paint, but the rest of the view is just great!” He said during his wobbly descent.

Afterwards he thanked Martin (pictured at his easel) for his artistic support for the church and the scout leaders for good, safe ropework!

The mugs and coasters are for sale at the Many Hands craft shop in Kirkgate, Silsden, with £1 from each item being donated to the Project 200 Appeal for the modernisation of the community hall attached to the church.

So far, pledges and gifts have raised £115,000 which funded a new heating system and improved access.

The eventual target is £350,000, with renovation work expected to be completed in 2022.


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